What if you could make yourself feel better right now? (Spoiler: You can!)

In our hearts, most of us don't crave things; we crave generous acts of connection.

Generosity positively impacts brain chemistry and mood. MRI research has revealed that contemplating and remembering acts of generosity light up regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a "warm glow" effect.

These are the same regions of the brain that alight when feeling the emotions of compassion and empathy. Compassion and empathy are directly related to increased satisfaction and contentment. We find positive meaning and purpose in giving to others. 


Take Action to Feel Good 

Think about a time when you were the recipient of generosity and how it has made you feel, from simple random acts of kindness to intentional gift giving.

But you do not have to wait for someone to be generous to you! You get to reap the power of this neurochemically driven glow by GIVING compassion. 

Like a ripple in a pond, or the wave in a baseball stadium...you have the power to create a domino effect of feel-good vibes all around you. Right now. 

Sign up for our “share a hug campaign” to kick off your glow. 


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