Meet & Motivate Groups

Struggling to stay on top of goals?
Striving to sustain behavioral change?
Team up!

In humanest’s Meet and Motivate Groups, you will find strength in numbers and be supported by a compassionate community environment. Join others who are also seeking to make changes in their lives. You’ll meet people who can truly understand you, listen to inspirational stories and get connected to additional resources. Here, you can find support in each other and share the journey. 

Groups are therapist facilitated, but powered by people like you. Each session provides actionable insights and tips to help you make and sustain progress toward your goals. 

Please note: These are facilitated peer support groups and not a substitute for therapy

Meet our Facilitators

Cassandra Cornacchia

Registered Psychotherapist

Mondays & Thursdays at 12 pm PST / 3 pm EST

Jélénia Cyrise

Registered Psychotherapist

Tuesdays at 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST


  • The Meet & Motivate groups were originally offered as a part of the Wellness Together Canada portal. These groups helped thousands of people across Canada. We ended up with a very strong community and even after the Health Canada program ended we created a way to make these groups running.

  • Our Meet & Motivate groups are for anyone looking for a behavior change or trying to adhere to one using the power of peer support. We serve anyone 18 and older and not in crisis.

  • To cover the facilitator pay and some operational costs we ask participants to pay what they can.

  • humanest is continuing these groups for the community and that the pay what you can system has been created in the hopes that those who can contribute more will do so, to support those who do need the free/low-cost spots. Suggested contribution per group is USD 10. If you are able to contribute more that is very much appreciated, and if you need to attend for free or at a lower cost, you are completely welcome!

  • Any requests for refunds must be made up to 24 hours before the group start time.

  • We believe in supporting everyone who needs help. If you are unable to pay for one (or more) groups, you have the option of signing up for free until you are able to pay for a seat.

  • Thank you! We are working hard to keep these groups open for everyone. You can help us by contributing a little extra for your seat which can go towards making support available to someone who is struggling to pay today.

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